
It is our philosophy to guarantee the maximum quality in all divisions. Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies, we do not leave anything to chance with respect to quality standard, deadlines, service and level of precision. That is the reason why our discerning customers generally evaluate and appreciate Frebel+Obstfeld as an A-supplier.

Particularly our clients of the automotive industry have high demands regarding quality and reliability: nearly all renowned OEMs build our precision parts into their products worldwide. With the certification according to ISO 9001:2008 by the German technical inspection authority TÜV Rheinland, Frebel+Obstfeld complies with the special requirements of the automotive industry, whereof naturally not only our automotive customers benefit of.

Our excellent product quality is based on the latest methods of quality management and corresponds with the very high standard of education of our employees. The quality-management system of Frebel+Obstfeld is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and complies with the additional requirements of ISO TS 16949.

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Quality Policy and -Objectives

The high quality of turned parts and tubular parts made by Frebel+Obstfeld proves essential to maintain customer satisfaction and competitiveness as well as a sustainable future, reliability of the company and its jobs. To us, quality means the fulfillment of the stipulated and expected customer requirements as we wish to create a long-term and cooperative collaboration.

The constant quality objectives of Frebel+Obstfeld are:

  • To attain customer satisfaction by zero defect products, delivery dependability and excellent service
  • To achieve and to keep our standing as an A-supplier with all our customers
  • To manufacture optimal quality and to ensure it throughout the entire product life cycle
  • To continuously improve production and administration processes
  • To tap and support suitable and certified suppliers

The level of target deployment is being documented regularly on the basis of indicators and reflects the internal and external quality standard.


of TÜV Rheinland verify that our integrated management system meets the requirements of the following standard: ISO 9001:2008

  • Quality Future Planning

    Initial sample test reports in accordance to VDA and PPAP plus the update of the item data in the IMDS-System as well as a statistical process evaluation are self-evident and can be carried out promptly. Within the scope of the quality future planning, documents such as Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), quality control plans and process flow charts safeguard the series production.

  • Quality Assurance

    The Quality Assurance effectively preserves a consistently high product quality. The fundamental work steps are:

    • Testing schedule
    • Test equipment provision
    • Acceptance inspection
    • Series testing
    • Final inspection